Organic Certification

Organic Agriculture

Organic Agriculture is made in an environment where, as a base of the productive process, agro ecological principles are used, amongst them the responsible use of soil, water, air, and other natural resources, respecting the social and cultural relationships. The advantages of organic foods are the prevention of the erosion of the soil, protection of water quality, support to small producers, helping preserve small farms, promote biodiversity and avoiding the pollution by agro toxics, among other benefits.

The organic agriculture, biological or agro ecological are expressions frequently used to design sustainable systems of agriculture that do not allow the use of chemical products prejudicial for human health and the environment, such as certain agro toxic fertilizers, neither the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic foods have superior quality to that of conventional foods, and this production system, which excludes the use of synthetic fertilizers, agro toxics and growing regulator products, has, as a basis the use of natural fertilizers, the maintenance of soil protected from sun rays and rain drops, the rotation of crops, the enlargement of biodiversity, the linkage of crops, green fertilizers, compost making, and biological control of insects and diseases.

Certification of Organic Products

The certification is a set of activities developed by a third part independent body, with the goal of publicly testify, by written word, that a determined product, process or service, which conforms with the specified requisites. The benefits of the certification are diverse, and we can point access to a more demanding market for healthy and sustainable products, add value to the products, credibility, improvement of processes, reduction in production costs, among others.

The services of Cugnier Certificadora are accessible to all clients that require them, without undue financial conditions, notwithstanding type, size or link to an association or group. Cugnier Certificadora is a Product Certification Organ, accredited by the Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento – MAPA, under number 029 / SC - da Coordenação de Agroecologia – COAGRE and it is apt to certify primary vegetal production and processing of products of vegetal and animal origin.

See DI (Statement of Impartiality).

Regulation for the certification of organic products

This regulation establishes technical norms to be accomplished to physical or juridical persons responsible for production units in conversion or for organic production systems, according to the Brazilian System of Evaluation for Organic Compliance. To receive the Standard for the Certification for Organic Products, please send a request to the following email:

Write us at

Brazilian Organic Legislation

To meet the requirements of its scope of certification, please visit by

Clicking Here

Additional Services

・Technical Report to Export Equipment

・Customs Clearance

・Consulting in Security, Environment & Health

・Business Services Evaluation

・Advice on Port Fees and Customs Costs

・Veterinary Services