Cugnier certifies the Brazilian Agrobusiness Compliance Program

Cugnier complies with the guidelines of MAPA

Our Company now also integrated the guidelines of the Integrity and Compliance Program of the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Farming (MAPA, in Portuguese) This is aligned to the policy and culture of our organization.

Expressing in this way our complete commitment to the implementation of the program’s fundamental lines which follows:

  1. Creation and improvement of standards of ethics and conduct, as well as other policies, norms and procedures that may be required
  2. Improvement and institutionalization of relationship channels with society and internal flows for its treatment
  3. Institutionalization of procedures and instances responsible for the determination of complaints and civil and criminal liability of employees, suppliers and collaborators
  4. Carrying out internal and external communication actions and training the employees to disseminate the standards and contents dealt with in the previous items
  5. Implementation of other actions aimed at risk management and internal controls, which contemplate the constant improvement of work processes and
  6. Effective commitment to good practices of social responsibility and sustainability, against fraud and bribery and quality of products made available in the market

The Integrity Program of the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply

Seeks to implement and improve mechanisms for the prevention, detection and remediation of fraud, irregularities and misconduct. It was developed in line with fundamental principles, actions and measures defined by the Federal Comptroller General (CGU, in Portuguese).